Friday, November 02, 2007

Mais "confusion" no Fusion da Oracle

Um pouco mais de confusão na equipe do Fusion da Oracle. De acordo com a nota abaixo da SOA World Magazine, tudo indica que o VP responsável por este middleware (John Wookey) será substituido pelo chefe de operações do projeto Fusion (Thomas Kurian). Ainda de acordo com a nota o Fusion está previsto para 2008. Vamos acompanhar os próximos passos. Vide íntegra do post:

Oracle Fusion Not Fusing?
— Hmmm. Oracle may be having a problem with its vaunted next-generation Project Fusion meant to lash all the software it's acquired together with its homegrown stuff. Seems the guy running Fusion, senior VP John Wookey, is being replaced by Thomas Kurian, head of Oracle's middleware operation, according to reports that touched off speculation of delays in Fusion and visions of Oracle adjusting the timetable at Oracle OpenWorld next month. Fusion is due next year.

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