Friday, February 16, 2007

RIA versus JSF?

To be correct, the article's tittle is "RIA renaissance versus JSF dark ages?", from In this post I just want to write some excerpts:

- "Developers have a choice of tools and technologies for RIA, including Flash from Adobe Systems Inc. and the more generic Ajax, and they can even mix and match as best suits individual projects, he said during a Burton telebriefing on Tuesday. But they need to beware of tools and technologies that are inflexible. The theme of the briefing, "Build for Today, Architect for Tomorrow," was that architects and developers should select technologies and approaches to today's projects that are flexible, agile and not too complex, so that today's application can be modified to fit future needs."

- "Our confidence is pretty weak in JSF in general because we continue to get feedback from customers saying that the platform's too complicated..."

- "...Using Web frameworks like Shale and JSF and Struts to do RIA works, but it's inflexible. Because your interface is being generated rather than being coded, you don't have as much flexibility on how it's presented..."

- "What we're talking about is not Java in general, but a particular aspect of Java, which is the Java enterprise edition and that we do believe is overly complex to the point where it actually hinders productivity."

- "You can use them in combination. Many times we find that Ajax is the most powerful solution especially for enhancing existing Web apps, taking existing Web sites and adding some graphical capabilities to them. But sometimes it falls short and Flash or Java applets might be a better choice."

I completely agree.

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