Thursday, February 15, 2007

JBossESB 4.0 Released

JBossESB 4.0 was just released. According to this news the next version (4.x?, 5.0?...) will be ready later year (2007). Below some features in this release:
  • support for general notification framework. Transports supported include JMS (JBossMQ, JBoss Messaging and MQSeries), email, database or file system.
  • trailblazer example.
  • many quickstart examples to get you going.
  • support for data transformations using Smooks or XSLT.
  • listeners and action model to support loose-coupling of interaction steps.
  • content based routing using JBoss Rules or XPath.
  • support for registries, using JAX-R and jUDDI out-of-the-box.
  • gateways to allow non-ESB aware traffic to flow into the ESB.
  • high performance and reliability (in use by a large insurance company for 3 years).(*)
* probably it refers to the second-largest insurance company in Canada, where this ESB handles data from 3,000 employers and more that 2,0 million customers.

See an abstract view of ESB/SOA infrastructure:

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