Monday, December 11, 2006

JAVA EE 5, SOA, the bad, the good... (Part 1)

This Special Report from brings some light to recurrent discussion: at the end, JAVA EE 5 is too complex? EE would be a good option to implement SOA-based project? How well suited is Java EE style to implement lightweight services?

According to this report:

The good:
  • Java EE 5 includes several key specifications intended to improve and simplify Web services support. These are: Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0, Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform 2.0 and SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1.3.
  • The core tenet of SOA is loose coupling within Web services and without," Kassem said. "In Web services, our [J2EE 1.4] initial foray was very RPC-centric. That dramatically shifted with JAX-WS 2.0, it was an important programming model shift. It enables us to build more loosely coupled Web services that will scale very well for the Web. [It] was a significant SOA-centric initiative. Simultaneously, we [made] significant improvements in the JAXB 2.0 spec to enable better quality data bindings. The quality of bindings is really important. If you don't get the bindings right, you have round-tripping problems in the SOA world that you never get right. We're not completely there, but it's a big improvement.
The Bad:
  • (from Richard Monson-Haefel) "What we're seeing are the last few years of Java EE as a leading choice in doing enterprise development, which is pretty obvious with the rise of rebel frameworks like Hibernate, Spring, Tapestry and Struts, which don't fall directly under the EE spec. These are indications that programmers are looking for platforms that are easier to work with. There are solutions you can use with Java EE like Struts, and many claim these reinforce EE as a good platform, but they're actually raising the abstraction so developers are working with the framework and not the EE platform programming model."
  • Jason Bloomberg, senior analyst at ZapThink LLC, said, "In the big picture in the SOA world, people are moving away from Java EE 5. It's becoming less and less relevant. EE is essentially an architecture for building scalable, transactional Web sites. It's not designed for SOA. More people are understanding the limitations, and realizing there are other Java-based approaches. We're not seeing anybody interested in JAX-WS and JAXB. We are seeing open source Java suites as appropriate for SOA. It depends on what you're trying to accomplish, but we see a lot of use of elements of open source ESBs and Hibernate for various parts of the Java infrastructure. What we're not seeing is interest in Java EE."

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