Monday, December 11, 2006

Free BPM Tool from TIBCO (Eclipse Integrated)

TIBCO First to Offer Full-Featured, Eclipse-Based BPM Modeling and Simulation Product for Free
— TIBCO Software Inc. , a leading business integration and process management software company that enables real-time business, today announced that the latest generation of TIBCO Business Studio(TM), version 1.1 is available for free.

More from this article: "To date, commercially available process modeling environments have been too cost-prohibitive for most companies to invest in for non-technical users. The few made available for free are generally not standards compliant, have limited functionality, or do not fit into the current IT infrastructure. As a result, models built in these solutions cannot be executed easily and, in most cases, require significant re-work by IT to ensure compliance with the execution engine. TIBCO Business Studio, version 1.1 is the first fully functional, standards-based process modeling product tailor-made for business users offered at no cost. This eliminates a key barrier to entry by giving organizations an easy, low-risk way to get started with their BPM projects."

The most important, the tool can be download from here!

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