Tuesday, October 18, 2005

IBM Ponies Up Rational Wares To Open Source

IBM announced on Oct 12th plans to contribute with Open source Community by "giving" a subset of the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP). See a excerpt:
"IBM will contribute a subset of the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP), a software process platform that has guided some 500,000 developers around the world in projects ranging from small-scale product development to large industrial-strength systems. RUP is a vast collection of methods and best practices for promoting quality and efficiency throughout software development projects. IBM's donation will also provide a foundation architecture and Web-based tools for the industry to engineer, collaborate on, share and reuse software development best practices."

other link related to:
- http://www.soa-pipeline.com/172300528?cid=rssfeed_pl_soa

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