Sunday, January 28, 2007

MULE ESB (II): 500,000 Downloads and counting...

According to this news at, the open source ESB, MULE, has already more than 500,000 downloads.(image from
By the way, see below the environments where MULE can operate:

- Operating System: Red Hat / Fedora Linux, Windows Server, Solaris SPARC / x86, Suse Linux, Ubuntu / Debian Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X

- Java: 1.4, Java 5, 6 and 7

- Transport: JMS, MQ Series, Tibco, Oracle AQ, Web Services/SOAP, FTP, HTTP/HTTPS, SSL/TLS, Multicast, IMAP, In-Memory, JBI, JDBC, Multicast, SMTP/POP3, RMI, and more...

- Integration: Spring, JBI, EJB, GigaSpaces, HiveMind, JavaSpaces, JCA, JNDI, JOTM, JTA, PicoContainer, Plexus

- Web Services: Apache Axis, XFire, REST, SOAP, WebMethods Glue

- Application Servers: WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Apache Tomcat, Geronimo, Jetty, JRun, Oracle, Resin

Good enough :-)?

1 comment:

Hugo villeneuve said...

I am not sure about WebSphere integration. There is no documentation on Mule web Site.