Monday, January 16, 2006

Five SOA Predictions for 2006

Dave Linthicum posted this post on Jan, 2nd '06: his 5 SOA "hot topics" for this year. They are:

1. More consolidation. Usually, in an emerging space, consolidation occurs once a space gets hot then begins to cool.

2. Focus on outside-in SOA. As we begin to stand up more public Web services and marketplaces that sell them, there will be a focus on how to leverage those services within the enterprise.

3. Focus on ROI. At the end of the day we should be able to define the amount of money a SOA will save us, now and longer term.

4. Movement to true services. As we learn more about this technology we're also learning the differences between information- and service-oriented integration, and understand that true services provide more value.

5. A few killer SOAs will emerge. As we get better at implementing this technology, a few very good architectures will begin to emerge that add a great deal of value to the organizations who implement them.

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