Friday, December 16, 2005

10 Steps to SOA

This article from ComputerWorld/Australia briefly point out 10 (good) steps toward SOA.
"True, SOA (service oriented architecture) builds on the stack of protocols that define Web services, but it is hardly limited to that stack and draws as much on time-honoured notions of business "re-engineering" as it does on XML, SOAP, and WSDL. Simply put, SOA is a broad, standards-based framework in which services are built, deployed, managed, and orchestrated in pursuit of new and much more agile IT infrastructures that respond swiftly to shifting business demands."

These 10 Steps would be:
1: Think big, start small
2: Go to the whiteboard
3: Survey your surroundings
4: Connect your first services
5: Deploy registry
6: Start tackling governance
7: Lay your security plans
8: Messaging infrastructure
9: Deploy service management
10: Consider orchestration

Good reading!

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