Friday, November 24, 2006

SOA: Less Coding = Less Outsourcing?

Coincidence or not, just after the presentation I gave at SUCESU-SP, I found this post on Joe McKendrick's blog.

The question presented at SOA in Action conference (registration required) is: If SOA can reduce the amount of code, so SOA can reduce outsourcing, right?

In my humble opinion, NO. If it's is true that
  1. SOA is growing up and it`s present in all to-do list of enterprises (as Joe point out);
  2. SOA can, in fact, reduce the coding (reuse, well-define services aligned with business process etc)
  3. and that fact that SOA is very attached to business process makes outsourcing more difficult.
On the other hand, the simply fact that with SOA:
  1. you can "broke" you software in many "pieces" (services)
  2. and theses parts of software have a defined interface
  3. and they uses webservices to communicate and exchange information
  4. and, beginning in its designs, these services have a well-defined scope
  5. and, finally, the demand for software will increase,
So I can conclude that, with SOA on not, the demand for outsourcing will continue to rise.

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